How to know when it is ADHD?

by your Coast doc Mona Bagrodia MD FAAP

Put your shoes on…..Brush your teeth….Where’s your homework?…..Where are your soccer cleats?…..Sit while you’re eating…..Keep your hands to yourself……Are you listening??

Does this sound like your daily interaction with your child? You’re not alone!  Distinguishing normal age appropriate behavior from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is something that parents often worry about.  There are three main types of ADHD…inattentive (daydreamer), hyperactive (energizer bunny) or combination (both, lucky you!). Symptoms can include losing things frequently, not being able to complete tasks, trouble sitting still and respecting the personal space of others.  Many of these things are normal depending on your child’s age and the situation.  If you find these types of problems are occurring in multiple settings (home, school, sports) and are affecting your child’s school performance and friendships (and your sanity), it may be time to ask your pediatrician to help you tease out what is going on.

The diagnosis of ADHD has been a hot button topic for some time, with some even calling it a “bandaid solution” to poor behavior. When properly evaluated and diagnosed it is anything but an easy fix. Your pediatrician can help you figure out what is normal behavior and what is potentially indicative of a medical problem with attention and impulse control.  They will do a full physical exam and history, and input will be gathered from your child’s teacher to get a broader picture of their behavior. If a diagnosis is made, accommodations in the classroom and adjustments at home can be discussed. This will help your child thrive both academically and in their social/personal life. 

Medication is NOT always the first step, so do not let a concern about medication stop you from pursuing an evaluation if one seems to be warranted. Delayed diagnosis of ADHD can lead to declining school performance, trouble with peers and family, and poor self esteem. Being labeled the “problem child” is not helpful and can lead to mental health concerns.

We are here to help! If you feel your child is struggling and want to discuss potential causes, see your pediatrician who is your partner in caring for your child.

Mona Bagrodia MD FAAP
Mona grew up in Tennessee and graduated from the University of Tennessee summa cum laude with a degree in Biochemistry and Psychology. She went on to get her medical degree from the University of Tennessee and completed pediatric residency at Children’s Medical Center in Dallas. Her first position was as lead physician at a pediatric health center in Texas; she later moved to Tribeca Pediatrics in New York City where her husband Aditya completed his medical training as a urologic oncologist. She is an authority on the best restaurants in NYC! Mona and her husband moved back to familiar turf in Dallas after her husband’s training was completed, and she joined Lake Ray Hubbard Pediatrics.

Mona has a special interest in the diagnosis and management of children and teens with ADHD, anxiety and depression.  She has participated in specialized training in these areas from the REACH Institute, and really enjoys helping her patients who are struggling with these issues to thrive.

In 2021, the Bagrodia family relocated to San Diego for employment opportunities and “75 & sunny” weather. Mona lives with her husband and two very active sons, and has been working as a pediatrician in the San Diego area since the family’s move. She is happy to have joined our Coast Pediatrics team and partner with families in taking excellent care of their children. She enjoys reading fiction, crafts, yoga, traveling and exploring her new city!